Bluetooth low energy indoor and outdoor lighting control systems

Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Low Energy or BLE) is a subset of the Bluetooth v4.0 standard. It has a completely new protocol stack compared to the OSI layer and is oriented towards simple connections in very low power applications (battery or cell dependent devices). Among the possibilities offered by this technology, one of its greatest advantages lies in its acceptance and compatibility with today's major platforms such as IO, Android, Microsoft or Linux.
In the world of public lighting, the building maintenance sectors and manufacturers find this technology attractive in order to optimize their resources and find a channel for information and action at each light point in a cost-effective way. In 2017, according to the latest update of the BLE specification, a standard model was defined for the lighting sector. The model allows the definition of servers and the resources  (attributes) they expose defined in a document and according to a set of standard rules that guarantee interoperability between different applications or platforms.

For this reason, the solutions developed by ELT based on BLE technology for indoor lighting (Upulse) and public lighting (iMonitor) do not only offer a standard solution, but go one step further and offer a wide range of lighting configurations.

Inpulses is the first of the solutions developed by ELT. It is a mobile application based on the Android operating system that allows control, configuration and management of ELT indoor range actuators that include BLE technology. It enables the unique identification of each device, as well as the generation of groups and scenes that allow the association of a number of selected devices. You can dim, change the color temperature, and create scenes that combine different dim values and temperatures that will run independently. In the same way, thanks to U-Pulse, we can take full advantage of the e-SMART technology developed by ELT, so that it is possible to monitor in real time the main variables related to lighting and energy consumption, such as the voltage consumed by the load, the current provided by the driver, the state of the electrical network and its RMS value or driver temperature, among other things.

Another of these applications is iMonitor. It is an application focused on public lighting that enables point-to-point control of each lamp thanks to the BLE and e-SMART technology built into ELT's range of iLCPRO drivers. As in U-Pulse, in I-Monitor it is possible to configure each light point by changing parameters such as dimming or the lighting profile to be performed. In the same way, I-Monitor provides the ability to monitor variables related to energy consumption in real time such as power, mains voltage, etc. The lighting profile will be performed autonomously, and thanks to the e-SMART technology, the profile can be configured up to 9 different levels as would achieve energy savings and thus a significant reduction in electricity bills.
I-Monitor becomes an ideal tool for maintainers and managers of public lighting installations. Remotely and without the need for any physical intervention, each lamp can be monitored by obtaining data on its status and thus be able to program the revisions of each installation in a simple and easy way. 
