Jednolika emisija svjetlosti od 360 stupnjeva uz visoki indeks reprodukcije boja i dugo trajanje baterije Temperatura boje od 1750K-10000K , …
Nova koncertna dvorana je površine tisuću četvornih metara s malo više od 400 sjedećih mjesta i druga je najveća u Hrvatskoj. Za potrebe programa …
Mala dvoranska crkva Sv. Trojice iz 15. stoljeća, zaštićeni spomenik kulture, nalazi se na Trgu Lokvina u Kastvu. Kao galerijski prostor koristi se…
U sklopu rekonstrukcije salona, modernizirana je i rasvjeta. Za osnovnu rasvjetu korišteni su ugradni LED paneli promjera 220mm i 290mm, boja …
Na zahtjev investitora napravili smo projekt rasvjete proizvodne hale sa klasom rasvjete prema normi za precizne radove. Korištene su svjetiljke …
Svjetiljka Pitagora svojim inovativnim dizajnom uljepšala je još jedan park. Za ovu priliku Pitagora je opremljena optičkim sklopom za pješačke …
We installed 42 pieces of new LED lamps with a power of 300W, as well as control for reducing the lighting intensity (smoking). Average illuminance, on…
We illuminated the parish church of the Sorrowful Sorrow of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Cross in the municipality of Kotoriba. LED reflectors, with a narrow beam and ...
As part of the reconstruction of the main city park of Ban Jelačić in the city of Glina, new decorative LED lighting was recently installed.
In the settlement of Podbrest, in the municipality of Orehovica, new decorative LED lighting was installed. Park LED lamps of modern design, placed next to ...
We illuminated the parish church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Mala Subotica, and chapels in the settlements of Držimurec and Strelec. LED reflectors, with narrow beam and ...
One of the last realized projects ⇒ Reconstruction of public lighting on DC 3 in the municipality of Mala Subotica. In order to improve lighting and ...
We used Exeya lamps for street lighting in the business zone. The lamps can be controlled via mobile...
In the production area, the existing lighting was replaced by efficient LED lighting, which improved the level of illumination in the work units and...
The municipality of Tounj has modernized LED lighting. Old inefficient lamps have been replaced by elegant and modern LED lamps, which are...
The lighting of the facility for servicing railway vehicles in Varaždin, in which industrial pendant LED lamps were used, in order to achieve...
Park promenade decorative lighting. In order to ensure optimal lighting, light distribution, consumption and visual comfort, ...
Nogostup centar Velika Gorica - public decorative lighting Okapy LED decorative lamps were used, power 31W with a light color of 4000K. High…
DUNA lamp with ceramic metal halide lamp, power 70W, light color 3000K.
Lunalys lamp with high-pressure sodium bulb.
Reflector EF400 with metal halide bulb.
Lamp IBERIA with metal halide bulb StreetWise 100W, white color 3000K.
Even one optimally selected and positioned lamp makes a difference. Albeo 246W/4000K/120°/Ra >80 on the part.
Lighting of the auxiliary soccer field, EF2000 reflectors with a 2000W metalhalide bulb were used.
We illuminated several streets in the city of Čakovec. Odyssey Led and Spinella Led lamps, color 4000K, were used.
We shed light on one of the busiest intersections in the city (Svetojelenska Street and Jakov Gotovac Street) with a high density of motorized and pedestrian traffic...
On this projector, we used LED tubes 1200mm, light color 4000K in lamps with two sources. We used OSRAM and GE products.
Lighting of the school sports hall with the standard dimensions of a handball court with bleachers. 30 hanging lamps from the group are used...
Navona's led lamps also successfully illuminated the Center of the World in Ludbreg.
Lighting of the storage area of the company MB Frigo. ABV lamps from the group of industrial (sports) LED lamps for interior lighting. Total...
We illuminated the main roads in the town of Goričan with LED lamps SLBt 42W, ME4b and SLBt 56W standards were achieved, CE3 standards were achieved, ...
According to our technical solution, the company SELK Kutina modernized the external lighting of its plant, namely the transport route around the facilities,...
In the City of Velika Gorica, we have modernized the outdoor street lighting in residential areas. Worn-out lamps were replaced with Živa's and...
Used bulbs SORAA LED MR16, 12V, 9W, 2700K
When lighting the interior of the Big Brother house, uniformity and good color recognition was achieved using built-in LED panels, light color 4000K,...
Hotel Esplanade in Zagreb recently reconstructed the lighting of the facade using our technical solution with Soraa LED bulbs. …
We illuminated the newly built school sports hall in Goričan. We used 30 hanging lamps from the group of industrial (sports) ...
We illuminated the rotor at the entrance to the municipality of Nedelišće with modern LED lamps in the light color 3000K. The existing lighting was insufficient and...
In the municipality of Peteranec, a part of the public lighting was reconstructed. By replacing the lighting, the illumination of the streets was significantly increased, as well as...
We highlight the exterior lighting of the church in Baška and the ambient lighting of the altar of the church in Krk.
New LED lighting was installed in Rudolfa Steinera Street, in the city of Čakovec, which significantly contributed to the improvement of traffic conditions and...
In the city of Čakovec, new LED lighting was arranged and installed in Hrvatske branitelja Street. With decorative LED lamps, it is illuminated...
We illuminated the football field of the football club Orehovica, with a total of 12 reflectors, from a renowned European manufacturer with a power of 300W and 500W, ...
Used lamps and bulbs of different manufacturers. We highlight PAR 16 LED 8W 10° GU10 3000K and 4000K LUMIDAT SPOTLIGHT MR16
The request of the project was the decorative lighting of the olive tree canopy under which the restaurant tables are located. Focus solo devices were used to protect...
KATANA is the most advanced LED light ever designed for the entertainment market that introduces a completely new type of light beam: dynamic projection...